
So I have moved! I am really digging this free web thing. The layouts are much easier to control, since I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to programming sites. I've got to thank Google for 'introducing' this site to me. Although I think Sufino once mentioned this weebly thing to me. Oh well, whatever it is, I'm really happy with the new site! It enables me to customize my posts to the max, without my having to master the art of html/css. For now, the look shall remain simple and neat; just the way I like it. 

Anyway, welcome to my new site!

Some of the things that you can expect are :-
  • Endless rantings.
  • Fashion this, fashion that.
  • Food posts! 
  • Indecisiveness. 
  • Me, trying my best to study hard and stay healthy.

Maybe this site will interest you, maybe it won't.  But I'd love to look back and laugh at what I wrote. So cheers to the future!